01 - The Bio-energetician undertakes to restore the energy balance, key to the development of the being.

02 - The Bio-energetician undertakes to practice his art with a holistic conception of man and the world.

03 - The Bio-energetician undertakes to exercise his activity with humanity, probity and loyalty and to always respect the fundamental principle of respect for the human person.

04 - The Bio-energetician undertakes to find out if a medical treatment is in progress in order to take this into account when establishing his fundamental therapeutic programme.

05 - The Bio-energetician refrains from any misleading advertising on his activity.

06 - The Bio-energetician must be in a state of availability to provide the other with the help he requests.

07 - The Bio-energetician must formulate his advice with all the clarity necessary for his activity.

08 - The Bio-energetician must never deviate from a correct and attentive attitude towards the patient.

09 - The Bio-energetician undertakes to use, in his practice, only the natural means of Bio-energetics.

10 - The Bio-energetician undertakes never to divulge any information concerning the patients of his practice of which he may become aware in the performance of his duties.

11 - The Bio-energetician agrees to participate regularly in training and improvement cycles in order to update and perfect his knowledge.

12 - The Bio-energetician undertakes to respect the law which defines his status.