Why pass the souls?
Passing the souls that are on a person or a place has three interests:
1. Help the living
Allow the inhabited person to regain his energy, his personality, his health, his sleep and his peace of mind. Relations relax and the atmosphere calms down. Places are recharged with vital energy, their vibratory rate* increases, they become more peaceful, you feel better there.
2. Help the deceased
There are several reasons that encourage a soul to stay and cling to a person or a place: attachment, a sudden death of which this soul is not aware, revenge, fear of suffering judgment (the last judgement…). My role is to reassure the entity and to accompany it into the light. I identify the entities and try to solve the problems before it passes.
3. Helping the living and the dead
This allows you to resolve anger, conflicts, disagreements or simply exchange words and feelings that could not be expressed.
In conclusion, I help the living and the dead!
*The vibratory rate makes it possible to measure the level of energies that emerge from all things, such as the human body, animals, a place, etc. The interest of having a good vibratory rate is to maintain resonance with energies high conditions conducive to development and well-being.

If you are wondering about the price of my sessions and very good news, there is no price... But if you wish, it is possible to make a donation by clicking on the tab provided for this purpose
Thank you in advance for your generosity

It is advisable never to stop or suspend medical treatment without the agreement of your doctor .