What is the soul ferryman?

The ferryman of souls is a person who has the ability to communicate with the dead (by thought) in order to help them pass to the other side. This gift is still very little known, and is even scary, because it is associated with the paranormal.

What is Magnetism?

Magnetism is the set of processes (passes, magnetic breath, laying on of hands, etc.) using the magnetic fluid for the purposes of relief and healing of ailments and illnesses. It is not simply a gift in the sense of "ability", even if some people have more capacity to magnetize than others, but rather a gift in terms of "giving one's energy to others".
Magnetism also consists in rebalancing the energies of a person. By touching the body or not, the magnetizer feels blockages or lack of energy and regulates these flows. This then makes it possible to relaunch the self-healing processes at the physical, emotional and mental level.

Magnetism works effectively for a number of health issues. It is very effective on:
Skin problems: eczema, psoriasis, warts, shingles, acne, herpes…. Can be reduced or stopped by magnetism
Burns: stops the pain of the burn and allows rapid healing. Magnetism also acts very well on the sequelae of radiotherapy.
Back, muscle, tendon, nerve pain, hernias, sciatica… Magnetism releases tension in the body and allows it to heal from pain. It is very complementary with the reboutage work.
Physical or nervous fatigue, depression, anxieties... Magnetism will restore energy, clear dark thoughts and negative mental processes. This will allow the body to recharge and the thoughts to be more fluid and light.

What is dowsing?

As a general definition, we can retain that dowsing is a divinatory art of capture, detection and identification of waves and electromagnetic fields emitted by any material object, by any living being and by any other invisible energy which is on the Earth and throughout the entire Universe.
The dowser is therefore able to detect waves and vibratory energies, invisible to the naked eye, being near or even at a distance. He can thus locate misplaced objects, a missing person or a lost animal, discover springs or underground water, but also help to establish or confirm a medical diagnosis by questioning the vibratory rate of the person concerned.
The vibrations and energies that are the basis of dowsing are also for any other energy technique, such as, for example, geobiology, feng shui, magnetism or reiki.
Dowsing can answer any question:

  • Of the “closed question” type, ie making the choice between two possible proposals.
  • Dicho- or trichotomous type (yes/no or true/false or even yes/no/neutral). The asker asks precise questions, and by exclusion, he comes closer and closer to the final truth.
  • Or, in case these questions are not enough, he can resort to adequate boards or dials which will provide a more precise answer. These boards can also be used to detect a direction that the dowser has not thought of before. The choice of boards is infinite, and each dowser can make his own according to his needs.
One can obtain exact information on a place, an object or a person, while passing by its vibratory state. Thus, the quantity, composition, nature of an object can be questioned. The applicant can approach questions on the state of health of a person, passing by the vibratory rate or the rate of vitality.

What is this ? Geobiology

What is this ?
Geobiology is the study of the influences of the earth (geo) on the living (bio). It has extended to all interactions between the environment and living beings (humans, animals, plants). Although invisible, these influences are felt by the body and can play a role in the well-being and sleep of the people living or occupying a place.
They can be:
  • telluric (sources, faults, telluric networks (Hartman),…)
  • electromagnetic (GSM antenna, wifi, cables, Dect, poor earth connection, metal mass).
  • architectural (shape of rooms, Feng Shui, decoration, etc.)
  • sanitary (VOC, formaldehyde, …)
  • symbolic (energy of the place, information related to the place or to the experience of people, crystallized emotions, memory of the walls, etc.)

What is lithotherapy?

Lithotherapy refers to an unconventional medicine that uses stones to heal. The term comes from the Greek lithos, meaning stone, and therapy, meaning cure.
It is based on the idea that stones and minerals have therapeutic virtues. According to the principle of lithotherapy, they would emit vibrations, they would have a resonance capable of acting on the body to improve the well-being of the person in contact with it, or at least nearby.
Arranged on the body, the stones would make it possible to regenerate and to rebalance the being in its entirety: ie as much on the physical level as psychic.
To take advantage of the regenerating and revitalizing virtues of stones outside lithotherapy sessions, it is possible to wear them as a pendant, a bracelet, in your pocket or even to place them in the living room.
According to the stones, they would have the ability to calm, tone, balance, soothe, etc. Choosing it well means taking the time to look at it, to hold it in your hand to feel its vibrations. Above all, it is to choose it according to these virtues.