Each expertise in Geobiology allows the Diagnosis and treatment of the following disturbances:
Audit of telluric networks (Hartmann node, Curry Network...)
Audit of water veins, presence of water under the bed...
Audit of the discontinuity of the ground, cavity, dry faults, wet faults
Determination of geopathogenic zones (cancer point)
Memory of walls, floors, cosmotelluric chimneys
Zones of reinforcement or reduction of immunity...
Diagnosis of Electromagnetic Waves: level of exposure, detection of fields alternating magnetic fields, electric fields, earthing resistance...
Interior design advice, “Placement-Furniture-Inhabitant”
Energy Purification / Energy Cleaning
Why carry out the geobiology of your home?
Do you sleep badly? Are you worried, stressed?
Do you feel uncomfortable at home?
Do you wake up even more tired than the day before?
Do you regularly have feelings of cold, anxiety?
Are your family relationships conflicting? Are you often upset for no reason?
Do you suffer from a weakened immune system?
Have you often fallen ill since moving in?
In conclusion
All of these symptoms can be linked to disturbances in your home which are dealt with in geobiology.
The work of a Geobiologist or a Home Therapist is to identify the various disturbances responsible for fatigue, stress, malaise, illnesses and then neutralize them and increase the vibration of the place.
The objective of an expertise in Geobiology is therefore to detect and then mitigate or even eliminate environmental nuisances. By removing the negative influences from the place of life or work, it regains high vibrations.
We now know that by increasing the vibrations of the environment, the body is better able to heal itself or at least protect itself against certain diseases and the mind is more optimistic, happier, with less mental pollution.
Thus, Geobiology aims to deal with the so-called "subtle" energies of a place. A living space filled with low or negative vibrational energy has a negative impact on our entire life. The energies of the place resonate with our daily lives.
Expertise by a Geobiologist will make it possible to detect anomalies emanating from the ground, the Earth, walls, industrial or human activity… and to neutralize them.
Geobiology thus restores the cosmo-telluric imbalances linked to telluric currents (Hartmann network, Curry network, etc.) but it can also be a matter of nuisances of electrical or electromagnetic origin.

If you are wondering about the price of my sessions and very good news, there is no price... But if you wish, it is possible to make a donation by clicking on the tab provided for this purpose
Thank you in advance for your generosity

It is advisable never to stop or suspend medical treatment without the agreement of your doctor