
My name is Nicolas Debouver. I was born on May 12, 1986, in the North of France, near Lille.
Following a lack of oxygen at birth, I am motor handicapped.
I was educated from two to twenty years in specialized establishments within the Association des Paralysés de France, which allowed me to learn a lot of things, like anyone else at school.
I discovered magnetism at the age of 7, when my mother took me to see a practitioner to help me with my handicap.
For a year and a half the sessions were beneficial to me and allowed me to evolve.
During the sessions, there is an intense heat and we find that I am very receptive.
One day, the educator feels bad during the session. Instinctively, I put my hands on him to see if he's okay
. A surge of energy brings him back to him and we realize that I can also exercise this gift.
Following this observation, we decided to begin the first stages of my apprenticeship.
The same year, on my vacation spot, I meet a rather strange man. It turns out that this man also has a gift similar to mine.
For more than a year and a half, he shows me some magnetizing things and he also lets me learn a lot on my own and discover my own way.
Shortly before his death, he gave me his gifts and taught me how to use them, telling me that in addition to my own, I can continue my experiences and that I will notice a difference.
I then begin my path towards spirituality. When he dies, I find myself alone, so I had to continue learning on my own.
Since 2004, I have been a member of the French Federation of Bio-Energy.
I have been practicing this art for several years now and I share my gift with many people who encounter health problems, physical or psychological.
To date, I have reached a very efficient level which allows me to train certain people predisposed to magnetism.
At the same time, I continue to train myself by taking an interest in everything related to spirituality and energy: Lithotherapy, Dowsing, Geobiology....